Help Wanted

From what I understand the Wranglers still need players - especially defense. There are so many rumors floating around that Long is returning, or so and so is coming back, but I don't believe any of them. The Wranglers still need to go looking for players. The first game is less than a month away.

Many comments have been coming in - requesting not to be posted - about how in the off season former players were ignored, or at Globals Vegas hardly a recognition was given, all giving them excuse to go looking elsewhere to play. One particular ex-player said, "They barely talked to me at Globals, it was like they didn't want to talk to me." Another ex-player commented, "They begged me to come back, but no-one else was, and it was too little too late." Comments were also sent in about a couple of local kids that instead of playing for the Wranglers went on to other leagues, and are doing quite well. Maybe the player drought in Wrangler town was a result of the Wrangler management? It's all speculation, rumor, and it is very hard to separate fact from fiction. The reality is that the Wranglers are in dire need of players.

However, reports from Wrangler players in Wrangler town is that the team is going through a great team building process - river raft trips, football games, and get togethers are building a tight knit and loyal group of players. This is a good change from last year.

If you go around the league, many other NorPac teams are quiet about their recruiting success. Rumors abound of one team not having any players, another that they recruited 15+ players, but only the Generals have posted their roster. I made a couple of phone calls to others and got the same kind of vague reports. Many reported that perhaps because of the recession some players cannot afford to play. Coming up with $5,000 is tough. Could the Wranglers benefit from a "trade for clunkers" program?